Here's What to Expect during Easter with Valorous Church!

We have several experiences set up for you, your family, and friends to help guide you through "Holy Week"; the events that take us from Jesus' entry into the city on Palm Sunday, His death on a cross on Good Friday, and His resurrection on Easter. We hope you will plan to spend part of your week with us celebrating "Holy Week".

Invite your friends to attend church with you this easter. Download our sharable invite below.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday


"...Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest." - Matthew 21:9

Kick off Holy Week by joining us for our Palm Sunday services on Sunday, April 13th at 9:00 am & 10:45 am! Come be a part of a day filled with worship, an inspiring message, and community.

Good Friday Communion

Good Friday Communion


"When he had received the drink, Jesus said, 'It is finished.' With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." John 19:30

Join us on Friday, April 18th at 6:30 pm for a special Good Friday Communion Service. 

Valorous Kids will be available for babies up to 5 years old. Older kids are welcome to join us in the arena.

Easter Weekend

Easter Weekend


"He is not here; for He is risen..." Matthew 28:6

Join us this Easter as we celebrate Jesus's resurrection! We have an incredible service planned with powerful worship and an inspiring message from Pastor Clay.

  • Saturday, April 19th  // 6:30 pm
  • Sunday, April 20th // 8:00 am, 9:30 am, & 11:15 am

Our vKids team has planned a creative, biblical, fun, and engaging environment tailored just for your child, babies - 5th grade. They will meet many new friends and experience how much Jesus loves them!

Sunrise Beach Baptisms

Sunrise Beach Baptisms

"And God promises that with each morning sunrise, He offers mercies anew and love unfailing." Lamentations 3:22-23

There's something special about watching the sunrise over the ocean, and this Easter, we invite you to join us on Sunday, April 20th at 6:30 am for Sunrise Beach Baptisms. Join us at 6th Ave. South Beach Access to cheer on those making this declaration of being raised to new life through Christ!

Register for Baptism »
Easter With vKids

Easter With vKids

We've designed an incredible "Minecraft" themed Easter with vKids experience just for your little ones! Valorous Kids services are available for babies - 5th grade and are thoughtfully planned to help your child get to know God in a way that fits their age and stage of life!

First time at vKids? Save time by filling out our pre-registration form. This will make the check-in process quick and easy, so your child can jump right into the fun!

Pre-Register »
Volunteer For Easter

Volunteer For Easter

There are many opportunities to serve at Valorous Church. We have places for you if you are a people person or maybe more behind the scenes. Click the link below to see some of the areas where you can plug in!

Find a Team »

Invite a Friend

Click on the image below and save image to invite a friend via text or social media!
