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[Valorous Matters - Week III]

Pastor Richard Miller | Apr. 21, 2024

(This transcript was generated by AI. Apologies for any inacuracies)

For those of you who were here last week, Pastor Clay said he wished he could trade jobs.

So here I am, traded jobs.

And on this rainy day, you guys are here, you made it.

Glad you are joining us today.

Today, we're gonna continue into our series of Valorous matters.

And talking about this idea of why does it matter that we are a part of a church?

And I don't know about you, I've thought about this before.

Like, it's really weird to me sometimes that we kind of boil faith down to coming to a place for an hour or so on a Sunday and we sing a few songs, we listen to some schmo, talk to us for about a half hour, and then we go home and go about our lives, right?

Because that's what America thinks it is about.

That's what most of the world thinks this Christianity thing, this faith thing is all about.

And the reality is it's not, right?

God doesn't call us to simply go through the motions.

God isn't calling us to a life where it's just, hey, all you gotta do is show up one day a week, sit down and then go home.

That's not why church matters.

Church matters and why God has brought us here is because we have been called to live a life separated from this world.

And a life that is lived like a city on a hill where people in the world can see us in the darkness, our light shining from God and that they can come and find the hope and the love and the forgiveness that we have found in God.

And that's why church matters.

That's why it matters.

And last week, Pastor Clay started talking about the importance of getting connected and being involved at the local church.

And he said one of those reasons was so that we can be ready to teach people about who God is.

Now, I know that we've got some amazing teachers in our life groups, in our youth ministry, in our children's ministry, but for a majority of us in here, when somebody says, hey, you need to teach, we all of a sudden are filled with panic and fear, right?

I've given tours to people in this building and I brought them up here on stage and they lean over and they're like, I'm totally nervous standing here and there's nobody in this room right now, right?

And so when we think about teaching, the things that pop into our minds are, we don't know enough, right?

We're not equipped enough, we're not qualified.

And I get it, it's not for everybody.

And so what I wanna challenge us with today is the idea that while yes, we need to be able to articulate our faith, we need to be able to share with people what God has done in our lives.

I think the bigger calling is that we have been called to show the world what it looks like to live a life that has been given over to God, right?

To show them, to stand up and to say, hey, if you're wondering what it looks like for a life to be lived full of the Spirit, full of the power of God, trusting Him in everything, watch me, watch me.

And that is why we are here, right?

In James 1, verse 22, James, the brother of Jesus, he says this, he says, do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves.

Do what it says, right?

Again, what is he saying?

It's not about just sitting and listening to somebody teach you.

Take that teaching, apply it to your life and then go live it out in the world, right?

One of the great Catholic saints, Saint Francis of Assisi, he said this, he said, preach the gospel at all times, use words if necessary.

That's good.

Francis, Saint Francis also said, the deeds you do may be the only sermon that some people hear today.

Think about that.

It's not what the pastor says.

It's not what you were taught in church on Sunday.

The deeds you do might be the only sermon that people out there get to see today.

That's what we are called to.

And if you know anything about Saint Francis, he just went, right?

He didn't really necessarily have a plan.

He was just like, oh, these people need help.

I'm gonna help them.

Oh, these people need to know that God loves them.

I'm the one that's gonna tell them about that.

And that's what his life was famous for, was just walking around and serving people with the love of God, right?

And that is what we have been called to be.

Last week, Pastor Clay, he called me a cheerleader.

And I wanna, I appreciate that, right?

I appreciate that a lot.

Because the reality is, you guys, I haven't always been that.

I haven't always been that.

What God has been doing and is doing through me has taken years and years for him to accomplish.

Because I'm stubborn, because I doubt him, because I walk away from him, he needed time to make me who I am today.

But what I know now is that in every encouraging word, right, every smile, every boisterous laugh you can hear across the lobby, every hug that I pass out is also that people will see for themselves the love that God has for me.

That's what I wanna show people.

I want people to know that when you come to this place, when you meet me, that you matter so much to God.

Why do I know that?

Because I matter to God.

And he showed up in my life, and he showed me love, and he showed me forgiveness, and he let me come and walk with him and learn from him.

And that's what he wants from all of us, right?

A story I heard from one of a lady who goes here at our church, and she brought her neighbor one time, and she had been trying to get him to come to church, get him to come to church, and he finally showed up.

And it was, because I had heard stories about this guy, right, like, man, this is my crazy neighbor.

And so he finally comes in, and I'm just like, oh my gosh, I've heard so much about you.

And then he came the next week, and I remembered his name, right?

Something simple.

Now, please, all of you don't come up to me afterwards and say, what's my name?

Because I'm usually really bad with names, okay?

But I remembered his name.

And he told this lady, who's his neighbor, who comes to our church, he says, I've been going to the same church for decades, and they don't even know who I am.

I walk in the door, and I walk out.

And the reason I share that with all of you is that we sometimes confuse it, that it's about big things, right?

These grandiose things that we can do.

But the reality is, it's about the small things.

The way that you show people that they matter to you, and that they matter to God.

The love that you have for them.

The joy and the peace that you want to share with them.

It's not about the big things.

It's about little things that we can share with people.

And that is why it is so critical for the church.

And when I say the church, I mean all of us here to truly grasp the importance of why we are here.

Because I think for too long, a life in the world has had a bigger call and a bigger pulling and a bigger enticement than a life with God, right?

Think about your own life.

Think about when you were 15, 16, 17, and somebody came to you and said, hey, Saturday night, you want to go to this party?

How many of you said, nah, you know what?

I got to go to church Sunday morning, right?

Yeah, there's some of you laughing.

You're honest, right?

The pull of the world pulls people away.

And what we're seeing is that there are people that we love and we care about that are being drawn away from God.

And we as the church have to do something about it, right?

And so these past couple of weeks, God has been working in me on this topic of what does it mean and what does it look like?

And what's the point of us living a life out there that draws people to God, right?

Because the reality is I can tell you to get involved and get involved and get involved and get involved until I'm blue in the face, but it's not going to matter to you until I can tell you why.

Why does this matter?

And that why came last week when I was listening to a song when I was driving in my truck and I want to play that song for you.

But before I do, when you came in, hopefully you were handed a card and on that card were a pair of earplugs, all right?

So this is for my beloved members of the church family who sit in the normal worship and they think it's a little too loud, all right?

Because fair warning, this is going to 11, okay?

It's cranking it up to an 11, all right?

So if you need earplugs, take them out, you kind of roll them, stick them in your ear and for the next two minutes, don't take them out, all right?

All right, Mr. DJ, spin that tune.

*Audio from Thunderstruck by AC/DC plays here*

I've been trying to find a good excuse to do that.

Anyway, you might be asking yourselves, Richard, how does God speak to you through AC/DC?

To which my response would be, God's truth is everywhere, you just have to know what you're listening for, all right?

So when, as I was driving around and I was listening to this song, in my mind, I thought like, man, this would be so great to be able to play this song in the arena because if you haven't noticed, right?

Look up, up here, if you're online, you haven't been able to see, but there are towers of speakers in this room.

And so ever since I saw these speakers go in, I have been developing a running playlist in my mind of songs that I want to play, right?

And I will lock the doors, I will let everyone go away and I will just enjoy this myself, I haven't done it yet, but anyway, there's this playlist in my head and I'm like, oh, these speakers are so great.

And when they put them up and I knew they were getting ready to test them, right?

And so they get them up there and I come in and they're playing Phil Collins.

You guys, Phil Collins is not on my playlist, all right?

Like I'm all about some Susu Sudio, but this was not that Phil Collins.

And so again, love to hear this song, but then I thought, man, people would probably look down on me if I played this in the arena.

And then quickly, right?

And I have these internal conversations in my mind a lot, okay?

So if that scares you, it's okay, if you're in safe company, okay?

And I thought, man, what if people are upset or look down on me?

And then my mind was just like, who cares?

Here's the reality.

Like the sooner that we can take religious leaders off of pedestals, the better we will be, y'all.

So here's confession, I don't walk on water.

I don't always listen to K-Love, okay?

Obviously, I drive too fast, okay?

I, my wife and I still have arguments and I yell at my kids, all right?

So there we go, all right?

I am off that pedestal, I'm a normal person.

But then again, I started thinking like, man, but God loves these guys, right?

I mean, maybe not what they're stand for and their lifestyle and everything like that, but he created these guys and he loves them and he wants them to be saved.

And then I started thinking, and this is the tie-in right here, is that these guys pursued and chased after this rock and roll lifestyle, right?

And everything that they were got thrown into pursuing the world and what the world wanted to give them.

And what if for just a moment, they had a good Christian example of what it looked like for a life to be lived for God.

What if they had somebody in their life that wasn't afraid to live out loud, right?

What if they had somebody in their lives that could stand up and say, man, you know what?

I've tried it and the world's just totally empty, but here's my life and it is full and it is full of joy and it is full of peace.

How different would it be, right?

And not just for the guys of AC/DC, but for everybody in the world, everybody in this world to be able to look and to see that, wow, a life following God actually makes a difference in someone's life.

Because let's face it, the world doesn't believe that it does.

We can be just as judgmental, right?

We can be just as rude as anybody else who does not have Christ.

And yet we have been called to be different.


So that when people look at God versus the world, they choose God.

And that is why the church is here.

That is why we have been called to be a part of this.

And so how do we do that, right?

Because our first inclination is that we do it just by trying harder.

And many of us have probably tried harder when it comes to our walk with God.

And what I'm here to tell you today is that the work of the spirit cannot be accomplished by the flesh, okay?

The work of the spirit cannot be accomplished by the flesh.

This is what God is going to do in our lives and only God.

And so where it begins, I think, is in just bold obedience.

Right, to know in our heads that God has called us and I'm gonna follow him wherever he leads, whatever that looks like.

And I wanna start us today in the gospel of Matthew chapter nine, verse nine.

One small verse to start off our time here.

And it says this.

It says, as Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at a tax collector's booth.

Follow me, he told him.

And Matthew got up and followed him.

And I love this, right?

It's one verse.

It's so powerful.

And yet it's so convicting that people have tried for centuries to justify Matthew's actions, right?

He had to have known Jesus from before.

He had to have been following him a little bit more before this because nobody just spontaneously gets up and leaves what they're doing and leaves their lives.

Right, but what we have to understand is that the reality is it's simple.

Jesus called and Matthew followed.

It's that simple, right?

And what you have to know about Matthew is that Matthew was despised as a traitor by his own people, by the Jewish people.

The Romans who he worked for saw him as a second-class citizen, if not lower.

And all Matthew had was his wealth and his comfortable life.

And yet there was something about Jesus.

There was something in the way that he spoke, the way that he looked, the way that he carried himself that was so compelling that Matthew didn't ignore the calling.

In fact, I would probably argue that he couldn't ignore the calling.

And he walked away from it all.

And my question for me anyway is, do I know Jesus like that?

Do I see Jesus as so compelling that I'm willing to walk away from whatever is holding me back?

Whatever of the world, whatever things of the world are tying me down, am I willing to follow Jesus?

And I'll be honest with you guys, this verse sometimes terrifies me because what is Jesus calling me to walk away from?

What other parts of my life does he want me to hand over to him?

And the reality is I've discovered, like, you know, I'm a Christian in the United States of America and we have gotten good with comfortable Christianity, right?

I have gotten good with it.

I love the idea of God, but I don't want him to impede on my everyday life.

I wanna be able to do what I wanna do and hang out with who I wanna hang out with and all of these things.

And yet what we see is that's not what Jesus wants.

He wants everything.

He wants my everyday life.

He wants my every decision.

And I think that is what we as a church have to wrestle with.

A good friend of mine, Jerome, he shared with our life group this past week the idea of how strange it is that nowadays in the world, we're not really called Christians, we're called conservatives, right?

But here's the thing, Christ didn't call us to be conservative, right?

Conservative comes from the word conserve, which means to hold onto, to keep the same, holding onto the status quo.

And you guys, this is not what Jesus called Matthew to, and this is not what he is calling you and me to, the church to, today, right?

I am a follower of Christ.

And what that means is that I am an earth-shaking, world-quaking, status quo-upsetting, right?

Rebellion-leading revolutionary, right?

And it's a worldwide movement.

We're gaining numbers.

And so if you wanna join us, this is what Christ has called us to.

These 12 guys that he called to himself upset the largest empire in the world at that time.

And here we are content with the little space that we're given to come and sing our songs and listen to our teaching.

It's so not about, this is good, this is great, don't get me wrong, I'd love fellowshipping and worshiping with my church family, but this isn't what it's about.

Out there is what it's about.

And we have been called to be rebellion-leading revolutionaries, all right?

The world doesn't like that, but that's what we're gonna do.

I cannot follow Christ and be conservative.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer says this about Matthew's call and the call of all disciples.

He says, the old life is left behind and completely surrendered.

The disciple is dragged out of his relative security into a life of absolute insecurity that is in truth into the absolute security and safety of the fellowship of Jesus.

From a life which is observable and calculable, it is in fact quite incalculable, into a life where everything is unobservable and fortuitous, that is into one which is necessary and calculable.

Out of the realm of finite, which is in truth the infinite, and into the realm of infinite possibilities, which is one liberating reality.

Translation of that, there are so many times when we look at following Christ and we're afraid to lose the things that we are assured of in this world.

And yet what we know is that those things of the world aren't as sure as we all think that they are.

And what Christ calls us to, the world will tell us, is so unsure.

But yet what better place to be than in fellowship with Jesus Christ?

There is no more secure place to be.

And he says that is one, if you choose that life, is one of liberating reality, all right?

And when our eyes are opened by Christ, we see the reality that Bonhoeffer talks about here.

We find that throughout the gospels, Jesus is trying all the time to wake people up to this reality, right?

It's not what you give up, it's what you gain.

That's what Christ wants us to understand.

And he does this by challenging our hearts and what is at the core of us believing in him.

And that's what I love about Jesus, is that he's not afraid to challenge us, right?

And I love to be challenged, right?

I love to challenge people.

How can a Christian pastor like AC/DC?

I don't know, I just do.

I like being challenged, right?

What more can I hand over to God?

How much more can I trust him?

Because what I'm beginning to learn is that the more I can trust him, the more I can hand over to him, that means I'm able to impact people around me more, right?

This isn't about me and my holy relationship with God, it's about what God's called me to do and that's to share his good news with people around me.

And if me giving more of my life into his hands or trusting him more helps me do that, I wanna do that.

And that is what the church is about, right?

There's this great passage in John chapter six and large crowds are following Jesus.

This is after the feeding of the 5,000.

And Jesus knows that some of these people are only around for a free lunch, right?

They're just tracking them around, what's he gonna feed us this time?

And they're tired of loaves and fish, they're hoping for some chicken or something like that, but they're following Jesus around and they want to see what they can get out of Jesus.

But it's not about what we can get from him, it's what we give to him, right?

If you bring your life to Jesus, no matter how small or insignificant you think it is, in his hands, it can impact multitudes, right?

It's like the five small loaves and the two fish fed 5,000 people.

In Jesus's hands, whatever you have is enough.

But if you're here today and if you're following Jesus and all you wanna do is reap the benefits of God without truly giving your entire heart to him, you're gonna be disappointed.

It's not gonna turn out the way you want it to turn out.

And that's what we see here.

You see, like I said, Jesus knows that some of these people are following him only to see what they can get out of him and not be changed by him.

And so he challenges them.

He starts teaching about only those who eat his flesh and drink his blood are going to be saved.

And as Jewish people, this was abhorrent, right?

This was disgusting.

And it probably would be to me too, right?

Like, that sounds sick.

But they're not sticking around to figure out what he's talking about, okay?

And so it's too much for them.

And in John 6, verses 60 through 69, it says this, on hearing it, many of his disciples said, this is a hard teaching, who can accept it?

Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, does this offend you?

Then what if you see the son of man ascend to where he was before?

The spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing.

The words I have spoken to you, they are full of spirit and of life.

Yet there are some of you who do not believe.

For Jesus had known from the beginning, which of them did not believe and who would betray him.

And he went on to say, this is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the father has enabled him.

From this time, many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.

Listen to that again.

These are disciples, okay?

From this time, many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.

You don't want to leave too, do you?

Jesus asked the 12.

Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go?

You have the words of eternal life.

We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.

And the reason I love this is because never once does Peter deny the difficulty of this teaching, right?

Never once does he say, oh, those other people, Jesus, they just don't have it in them.

They're not good enough.

They're not strong enough.

He doesn't say that.

Everything in him says, I don't really understand what you're teaching right now, Jesus.

But you know what?

I have nowhere else to go because I've tried the world, but you have the words of eternal life.

What you teach has shown us, what you do has shown us that you are the chosen one of God.

And we have no choice but to follow you.

And so what is holding us back from knowing Jesus like this?

Not denying the difficulty of a life following God, but in the challenge, but following anyway, because nothing else fills our souls or gives me purpose like following Jesus, right?

Nothing else does.

Have you gotten to the point, have I gotten to the point where I know and you know and trust and follow Jesus like Peter did, like Matthew did?

No matter what happens, I'm gonna follow.

I'm gonna step out in faith because I'll tell you that is what the world is dying to see.

This type of uncompromising, unshakable faith in who Jesus is, that no matter how hard life gets, no matter how bad things might seem, whatever the world tries to put in my way, to be able to find someone who says nothing compares to following Jesus is worth its weight in gold.

This world is waiting for something real to put their faith in.

They're trying it in political candidates and it's not working, all right?

We are sitting in here and we know what that is.

It's God.

And so let's go out and show them because all of this is only gonna happen if we get up and follow like Matthew did.

And that's why the church is here, not only to encourage you to take that step of faith, but to surround us with other people who are living that life, who are showing us what it really looks like to live a life that not only changes them, but it changes the people around them, right?

That's why we are here.

Paul says this in Ephesians 4.

He says, Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers to equip his people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

So this might be a wake-up call for some of us, right?

The church is not here so that the body of Christ might be built up to a church of thousands of people.

Right, the body of Christ is not here so that everyone is treated to a worship concert and free breakfast on a Sunday.

We are here to equip each other by using our gifts, by showing one another how to serve.

I'm called to be that example for you.

You're called to be the example for the people around you.

We have been called here to equip each other using our gifts for works of service, to go out to serve, to show the world what a life of faith looks like, to be examples to everyone.

And those works of service, what Paul tells us, are the things that are going to build people up so that all of us are unified in our faith and knowledge of Christ.

The more we serve and the more God works through us, the more miracles we get to see, and the more we get to tell people, I have seen God do this.

I have seen God restore marriages.

I have seen God break the bonds of addiction.

I have seen God heal people.

And this is what the church is about.

We become mature, right?

We attain to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

I don't know what that means, but it sounds really awesome, right?

The whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

I bet it's something like what Matthew experienced when Jesus called him, right?

The whole measure of the fullness of Christ staring at you and saying, I choose you.

Come follow me.

Absolutely, let's go.

I imagine it's what the disciples experienced when they went out to proclaim Christ to the world, even under pain of death.

It didn't matter.

Christ is everything.

And I don't know about you, but I am all about standing up to the lies of this world.

Right, I am sick of people that I love and care about being pulled away from God.

Right, I am sick and tired of the world trying to tear apart God's church, right?

And what Paul tells me here is all I have to do is say, don't you know who I am, right?

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, right?

I, the gates of hell will not prevail against me.

So you have no chance, world.

And all I've got to do to be able to do that is encourage other people to use their gifts to serve.

Like then we get to experience the fullness of Christ.

Done, let's go, you guys.

You know, find out where you wanna serve and let's go do this.

Cause I'm ready to shake the world up.

But you might be sitting there saying, Richard, you're you and I'm me.

And I don't know if I've got that in me.

And I don't know if I'm good enough to be called as disciple.

And to you, I would share this story of two disciples that we find in scripture in Luke 9.

This is my last verse.

And it says, as the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.

And he sent messengers on ahead who went into a Samaritan village to get things ready for him.

But the people there did not welcome him because he was heading for Jerusalem.

And when the disciples, James and John saw this, they asked, Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?

But Jesus turned and rebuked them.

And then he and his disciples went to another village.

See, I love this for multiple reasons.

But first, like the Bible's so kind, right?

Jesus rebuked them.

If you're like me, you picture this in your head, right?

Jesus, can we melt people today?

And Jesus just, what?

You guys, you've been with me for three years.

Have I ever melted anybody?

We're not melting people today, okay?

Just let's nail that down.

No melting.

We'll just go around to the next town, okay?

But I share this because we sometimes need to be reminded that the disciples were idiots sometimes.

They messed up all the time.

They didn't get it right all the time, right?

But Jesus does not make mistakes with the people he calls.

Right, on Good Friday, we handed out these confession cards, right?

And I brought a bunch of them up with me today.

And I was really in awe of the response.

And I know I shouldn't be, right?

Because the reality is sometimes we need opportunities to lay our burdens down at the foot of the cross, right?

Sometimes we need that opportunity because these things weigh on us, right?

And all of these hurts and all of these fears and all of these brokenness and all of these failures that we see to see in our lives, they keep us from believing that we can be loved by God, much less forgiven by God.

And we definitely don't think that we can be used by God.

Right, but time and time again, we're reminded in scripture that it's not about being perfect.

It's not about having your life all together.

It's not about having all the answers.

It's about whether or not you are going to respond to God's call on your heart right now.

Don't worry what it's gonna look like.

God is calling you.

You are his answer to this hurting world.

You sitting here right now, you are his answer to this hurting world.

And he does not make mistakes.

All of these, it doesn't matter.

There was one in here I was reading and under failures, it said being a mom.

What a horrible burden to have to bear.

Being a mom is the most difficult job in the entire universe.

Nobody does it perfectly.

And here was this one woman, this was the failure that she saw in her life.

And I just wish I knew who it was because I would just hug them.

And I would say, it doesn't matter to God.

You're perfect.

Your heart is there.

He's forgiven you.

And just answer that call.

Just stand up today and follow him.

Because all of this, it just doesn't matter.

I couldn't do that in first service because we didn't have time to pick them up.

But it doesn't matter.

Because right now, the world needs God more than ever.

Right now, there are people walking around blind and in pain and they're lost and they're hopeless.

And church, what are we gonna do about it?

Are you going to be the one to show them what a life handed over to God looks like?

Are you going to take out your earplugs and respond to God and hear him say, follow me?

But God, it's hard.

But I have the words of life.

And so today, if you are ready to respond to God, I wanna give you that opportunity.

And maybe it's to invite God into your life for the first time.

Maybe it's to come back after a long time of being away.

Maybe it's just you know right now is the time where you have to step in and step up to what God is calling you to next.

I'm gonna have the worship team come back up.

And over this next song, if you wanna respond to God's call, bring those earplugs and just lay them on the stage representing the fact that God, I am now gonna listen.

I hear your call and it's my turn to respond.

If they're still wrapped, that's absolutely fine.

If they're not wrapped, it's okay.

I'm not gonna reuse them, okay?

This is that time where we get to respond to God.

And then for those of you who are ready to jump in and get plugged in and start serving if you aren't already, that card that you got when you came in has a list of all of our ministries where we're looking for people to come and be a part of sharing God's love with the world.

If you wanna fill that out, head out into the atrium and they will get you plugged in with the right person.

All right, for those of you online, things are gonna pop up on your screen.

If you want to respond to this time, we are glad that you are a part of our Valorous family and God is working through you to help change this world for the better.

So again, over this next song, whenever you feel led, come on up, throw those things down, tell God that you are ready to listen and ready to follow.

Let me pray.

God, we love you and we thank you so much for who you are, for what you've done.

And God, we just pray that you would just continue to guide this church, help us, Lord God, to be people who don't just hear your word, but we go out and we do it.

We live it out so that this darkness can be pushed back so that the people of this world know what it looks like to see a life that is living fully for you.

And Father, I know not all of us have that figured out, but Lord, it's all about the next step.

It's all about trusting you with today.

And so Lord, I pray for those who are here to make that decision to say, yes, I'm gonna listen, I'm gonna follow.

Whatever that looks like, God, I'm ready.

Whether that's following you for the first time or coming back to you after a long time, Lord God, we are your people and you are not done with us.

You don't make mistakes with those that you call, Lord God.

And so help us to know that you have more for our lives, more of us that is needed to change this world for your kingdom and for your glory.

And it's in your name we pray, amen.