Psalm 125 is a song the Hebrew people sang together on their way to festivals like the Passover. When we secure ourselves in who God is and come together to worship Him, we'll learn to keep climbing the mountains of life. We become mature by having the mind of Christ, who helps us think differently:
1) No Weapon Formed Against Us Will Prosper
When we know God's love is greater than anything that comes against us, we can begin to hang on and keep going in difficult moments. Jesus had an intimate relationship with the father, and understood the love and power of God:
Jesus was God, but also human; He felt human feelings like us. But Jesus found security not in His feelings, but in His heavenly father. Let the security of God's love anchor your soul. His love is not based on who we are, what we have or haven't done, or how we perform. Without that understanding, we will be all over the place in our insecurity.
2) Temptation Is Temporary
The enemy is crafty; he twists the Word of God and uses pieces of it to convince us of lies. But when we know the Word and know it in context, his tactics won't trip us up. We have to meditate on what the Word says in its context. Temptation is temporary; the Word of God is forever and everlasting.
3) The Joy Set Before Us Is Greater Than The Pain That Surrounds Us
We are never promised a pain-free life. When sin entered the world, pain came with it. But we keep climbing by having our faith in Jesus who is the anchor of hope for our souls.
Group Questions
- Where do you find your security?
- How can we anchor ourselves in the security offered to us by Jesus?
- What do we learn from the way Jesus resisted temptation?
- How can we have joy even when we're in the midst of a difficult time?
God, as we talk to you together, we pray for peace. We know that Christ is our anchor and that we can have peace because of who you are, despite whatever is going on around us. Thank you for never letting go of us.