Possess the promise. The book of Joshua is about God leading His people out of the wilderness and into the Promised Land. He prepared Joshua to step into an abundant life; the Promised Land didn’t come without challenges or troubles. What God desires to do is to help us grow so that we can live rich and satisfying lives in spite of the problems. To experience that type of life, we have to take the steps God has given us to take, so that like Joshua, we can live under God’s leadership and provision and step into the abundant life.
God is in front of us, behind us, and with us. If we focus on the things He tells us to focus on, we will have success, prosperity, and victory in our Christian lives. But in order to experience that, we have to let God be our leader and do as He says:
1) Be Prepared
We prepare by studying God’s Word. We have to learn to discern the voice of the living God, and the way we do that is by the Word of God. Study it for yourself. Make it a daily discipline to study the Scriptures. There you will see God’s promises to His people: He will provide and lead. He created us and He will sustain us when we choose to follow Him.
2) Build Memories of God’s Faithfulness
The purpose of memorials is to remember what others have done and pass it on to people who come after. Find ways to remind yourself to continually praise God for His faithfulness, for bringing you out of the darkness and into His light. Make deposits in the next generations by building memories of God’s faithfulness.
3) Remember Your Purpose
The enemy will try to discourage you, but remember that Jesus came to give a rich and satisfying life. When Jesus performed miracles, He often had the person participate in the miracle they were experiencing. When God moves and does a miracle in your life, it is so that you respect Him and so that you will draw others to Him. The purpose of our lives is to show that He is the most high God, that He is who He says He is.
Be all in. We can be the light to our world. Those who plant themselves in the house of the Lord will flourish. Let’s see what God can do when we allow Him to transform us and overflow out of our lives until the whole world knows who Jesus is.
Group Questions
- How can you build and remember memories of God's faithfulness in your life?
- In what ways can you remain courageous and follow God's leadership in challenging times?
- What distractions might you need to put away to serve the Lord wholeheartedly?
- How can you help the next generation understand and remember God's faithfulness?
Thank you for your promise to lead and provide for your people. Help us to be strong and courageous, and to build lasting memories of your faithfulness as we live out our purpose of reflecting your love.