Valorous Matters
[Week IV]

Pastor Jarrod Walls | Apr. 28, 2024


But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”

Matthew 19:14

We want to teach the upcoming generation to shine in such a way that they’re not afraid to light up dark places. We want them to be a danger to the enemy’s camp. It takes all of us; at Valorous, we’re about connections. As followers of Jesus, we’re a part of a bigger family; ministering to kids and students is about connecting them to Jesus - because if we don’t, who will?

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.”

John 15:5

The next generation matters. It’s up to older generations to model what it looks like to follow Jesus. We are often quick to judge and criticize young people, but what is being modeled for them? Telling them means nothing if our actions don’t match our words. Show up for young people and demonstrate what a faith-filled life looks like. Even when they mess up, show up, because God shows up for us even in our messes.

“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”

John 10:10

Know what you’re up against. Right now, 43% of 10-14 year-olds are struggling with self-harm issues. Suicide rates in teenagers are higher than they’ve ever been before. Their rates of anxiety are through the roof.

The enemy wants to keep you from showing up for the next generation, to lessen your impact on the young people who will be the leaders in the church. But remember not to give him too much credit: everything, even the enemy, exists in the shadow of our great God.

Know what worship looks like; it’s not just about singing songs on Sunday mornings. Worship is connecting with God. It can be reading the Word, praying and listening for God’s voice, showing the love of Jesus to your spouse and children, or even being kind to someone who is not kind in return. And worship can be showing up for the next generation, living like you know how good God is, and trusting that He knows what the future holds.

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.

Hebrews 4:16

Show up to heaven with nothing but callouses, cuts, and hope. Showing up for kids and teens is messy. It means being present and consistent to help them through difficult situations as they grow and mature. But if we don’t model a biblical life for them, if we don’t come alongside them to help them along the journey, then we hinder the growth of God’s kingdom. Because the young people in your community will grow up to be leaders not only in your community, but in your church as well. Show up for them and model what it means to shine.

Group Questions

  • What barriers keep us from engaging with young people?
  • What role do older generations play in empowering and equipping the next generation to become leaders in the church?
  • How are you showing up for the next generation now? Is there anything you can start doing differently in how you interact with them?
  • How can we actively show up and support the next generation in our church?


Thank you for the reminder that the next generation matters deeply to you. Help us to be intentional in our actions and words, showing young people what it looks like to follow Jesus and live a faith-filled life.