Shepherds have authority over their flock; they manage the movement of their sheep throughout the day. Like a shepherd, the Holy Spirit guides us in our steps and illuminates the Word of God to us. In spite of trouble, the shepherd would get the sheep to where they needed to be.
The shepherd’s rod and staff are tools of protection and guidance. The rod warded off predators, and the staff guided the sheep. Together, the shepherd’s tools provided comfort to the sheep.
When we are going through tough times, and to reach our full God-given potential, we need to come under the leadership of our shepherd.
“All Scripture” means just what it says - every letter of God’s Word is useful, even today. But we won’t get anywhere by taking it out of context. Instead, it’s important to read the Bible in its context; don’t twist its words so it seems to say something it doesn’t. Study who a passage was written to and what was going on in their culture at the time. The Bible is an aid to our life. It teaches, corrects, rebukes, and disciplines. It contains timeless truths. What was true then is also true now, we just live in a different context.
Don’t do the work of God without the nourishment of God or you will become malnourished. In the same way, exercise by doing the work God has for you. Find the balance between sitting down with God to feast on His nourishment and doing the work He has set out for the Church to do. Meditate on God’s Word and let it get in your heart, and then let it pour out of you. When we do what God says, our lives will be transformed.
Group Questions
- In what ways is the Lord our shepherd?
- How does the Holy Spirit protect and guide us?
- What does it mean to read the Bible in context?
- Have you found the balance between being spiritually nourished and doing work for the Kingdom?
Thank you for being our shepherd, and for giving us not only your protection, but your guidance over our lives. We give you full authority over our steps.