Jesus told stories as answers to questions. Here, Jesus was responding to complaints about the way He did things. People were complaining about Jesus because they didn’t understand the heart of God. In Luke 15, Jesus told stories about misplaced or lost things.
God doesn’t relate to you based on what you do, but based on who He is. Like the father in the story, God is waiting with open arms for those who have wandered away from Him to return home.
Here are three ways we can position our hearts with God:
1) See the opportunity
The father was waiting for his son, and this is what God wants us to do with the world: to see what He sees and have the audacity to step in and make a difference. God sees each person, no matter where they are. As the local church, our responsibility is to help them connect with God.
2) Embrace people
Jesus would cross cultural lines in order to step into someone’s life. The Church that represents God is the Church that loves people and meets them where they are in order to help them along to where God wants them to be.
3) Celebrate
When someone returns to God, it is a reason for celebration. God is more focused on our future than our past, and He wants to change the course of our lives. May we never be a church that has nothing to celebrate!
Group Questions
- How can we see people the way God sees them?
- What does it mean to embrace people where they are?
- What are some things we can celebrate right now?
- How can we celebrate with someone when they come to God?
Thank you for waiting on us to return home to you. Give us opportunities to help those who are broken or who have wandered away from you, and show us how to point them to who they can be with you.