Power of the Invite

Pastor Clay NeSmith | Nov. 20, 2022


The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus.

Acts 4:13

Like children take on their parents’ mannerisms, the disciples displayed Christ’s likeness and spirit. The rulers were stunned at their faith, humility, and love. Jesus had turned these ordinary people into those who could cause sudden, radical change.

In John 13, Jesus taught His disciples how to change the world.

1) Strategic Times

Before the Passover celebration, Jesus knew that his hour had come to leave this world and return to his Father. He had loved his disciples during his ministry on earth, and now he loved them to the very end.

John 13:1

You change the world by doing things at strategic times. There is a time and season for everything. Like Jesus used Passover to make a big impact, we can use the holiday season to bring change into the world. Many people are more receptive to the message of the Good News during Christmastime, so leverage the season to invite them to join the journey with you.

2) Strategic Way

Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God. So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, and poured water into a basin. Then he began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel he had around him.

John 13:3-5

They were not going to change the world by force or might, but with love, service, kindness, and humility. Show people that they matter not only to you but to their Creator. Jesus took on the role of a servant to demonstrate this, and it is our job to follow His example by serving others with God’s kindness.

3) Strategic Challenge

I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you. I tell you the truth, slaves are not greater than their masters. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message. Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them.

John 13:15-17

Our challenge is to serve like Jesus served. The way the heart of God will be revealed to our community is by us, the Church, displaying the heart of a servant. And we do so even when it is undeserved, just as Jesus did for us.

Group Questions

  • How is the holiday season a strategic time to draw people to God?
  • What are some other strategic times, whether for our community or an individual?
  • How do we not only tell people they matter to God, but show them?
  • What is the challenge Jesus gives to the Church?


We will keep our eyes on you this Christmas. During the holiday season, give us ample opportunities to invite people to meet you. Give us hearts of generosity and kindness.