God dwelled with the first humans He created, He dwelled with the Hebrew people through the holy sanctuary, and now He dwells within those of us who are His followers. So how can we be a dwelling place for God?
1) Believe That God Desires to Live Among Us
Trust that God created you so He could dwell with you. Think of those who live with you - things work much better when everyone is on the same page. Our relationship with God is similar; when we head in the direction God has set for us instead of going against Him, great things will happen. Believe that He wants to dwell with you and that His ways are better than ours.
We are bridge-builders for the one who came to rescue humanity. Being a dwelling place for God isn’t about a specific place, but about being someone who communes with Him, and who allows Him to work in and through your life.
2) Put the Pieces Together
With God, every detail matters. Every piece of what He is building matters. He chooses what piece He designed us to be, and we can choose either to accept or reject that purpose. God loves to dwell with His people, and our purpose as His people is to work together to be the pieces He created us to be. Our faith is not just about us; when we come to Jesus, we become a part of His entire family, too.
3) Anticipate God Showing Up
Too often, when things don’t happen when we expect them to, we think God isn’t working or that He has disappeared. Don’t give up when you’re in a period of your faith being tested. God wants you to understand that He is faithful.
When we each bring our gifts and we all begin to work in sync, not letting the world divide us but working under the umbrella of our Creator, we are being the hands and feet of Jesus. He desires our faith, trust, and perseverance.
Group Questions
- What does it mean for God to dwell with us?
- How are we bridge-builders?
- What does it look like to live in a way that anticipates that God will show up?
- Do you know what piece you are in God’s master design?
Thank you for dwelling, communing, and walking with us. Show us our place in our plan, our piece of the puzzle, and connect us with your Church. We want to make your name great in this world.