From front to back, the Bible is a reclamation story; it’s about God reclaiming what belongs to Him. The hope God offers to Ezekiel is the same hope He offers to us now. God resides in His temple - His people - and He flows out of us to bring His life and purpose to those we encounter. We are God’s house and through us, He does great things in our world. God revitalizes you so that He can restore not just you, but those around you as well.
The enemy wants you to have short-term satisfaction so that your long-term success is destroyed. And remember, other people are not the enemy. The Church is intended to grow and expand, and it does that by reaching other people with the Good News of Jesus.
Don’t depend on what you can do; depend on God, who is all-powerful and has authority over all things. God is trying to develop swimmers, not waders. If you’re not participating in what God is doing, you’re missing out on so much of what He created you to do.
Man rebelled against God, but God is reviving and restoring humanity and the rest of creation. We bring about restoration by talking about the Good News, so that people know the King is coming. And when Jesus comes back, He is coming as a warrior to put evil into the abyss forever. We can look forward to the future when things will be made new and we will reside with Him for eternity. God is looking for us to repent and turn to Him.
Group Questions
- How is the Bible a reclamation story?
- Who is the enemy and how does he try to keep us off track?
- What can hearing the Good News do in someone’s life?
- How can we be a part of how God is reclaiming and restoring people?
Work in us to work through us. Let your Spirit flow out of us to those around us so that they can see their need for you.